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Research courses, track evaluations,
empower transfer. Get a free trial

69传媒® the Transfer Evaluation System from CollegeSource is the premier interactive resource for course data from institutions of higher education.

Free 69传媒 Trial

Unlock the powerful workflow tools in 69传媒® with a free trial. Discover how 69传媒® empowers users to quickly locate course descriptions; route and track the evaluation process; store, manage, group, and publicize the resulting equivalencies; and employ powerful algorithms to generate lists of equivalencies between institutions.


We offer free webinars to introduce our products to new users and provide existing users with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge. Webinars are offered regularly and are typically one-hour in length. Check the schedule and register for a 69传媒 webinar today.

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An all-in-one solution for researching transfer credit, tracking evaluations, and managing equivalencies.